Reserve Director in Chernihiv: We have security, the UOC will not be here

Chernihiv Holy Trinity Complex. Photo: Ukrinform

Andriy Lisovy, the director of the "Chernihiv Ancient" Reserve, stated that the UOC will no longer be present on the territory entrusted to him because further use of the Church's property threatens the lives and safety of people, Ukrinform reports.

According to him, the UOC has destroyed the reserve's cultural layer by unlawfully constructing garages and fences.

"We have stationed security around the perimeter. Therefore, I believe that representatives of the Moscow church will no longer be in the 'Chernihiv Ancient' Reserve, no matter what they call themselves," said the reserve director.

Lisovy reminded that the state is the owner of the Orthodox complex, while the "Chernihiv Ancient" Reserve is its administrator. The UOC was using the property free of charge, but after the expiration of the contract term, the Chernihiv Diocese of the UOC was offered a lease agreement. Church representatives began to make counteroffers, which, according to Lisovy, is "absolutely illegal".

As reported by the UOJ, on March 7, 2024, representatives of the National Reserve "Chernihiv Ancient", together with people in military uniform, closed the Chernihiv Holy Trinity Complex, sealed off the entrance and buildings on its territory. Parishioners were unable to attend the service.

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