A memorial to SS "Galicia" soldiers dismantled at cemetery in Canada

Dismantling of the SS "Galicia" Memorial in Canada. Photo: Network X

In the Canadian city of Oakville, a memorial dedicated to the Waffen SS "Galicia" division was demolished. The video was posted on X. The memorial to the Nazi division was installed at the Vladimir Cemetery near the Vladimir Church of the UOC in Canada, which is under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

In recent years, the memorial has been involved in several scandals. As CBC reports, in 2020, unknown individuals defaced it with the inscription "Memorial to the Nazi War," which drew the attention of anti-Nazi activists.

Sheriff Steve Tanner stated that he "was shocked and surprised that such a monument exists at all." The Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies praised the police's work.

"Any monument dedicated to soldiers fighting on the side of Hitler is nothing else but a disgrace and insults the memory of Canadian soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice during World War II for the freedoms we all cherish," said Rabbi Meyer H. May, Executive Director.

As reported, the Metropolitan of the UGCC ordered the closure of the SS "Galicia" division memorial in the USA.

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