UOC urges Romanian Church to reconsider its decision on Ukraine

Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest. Photo: basilica.ro

On March 7, 2024, the Information and Education Department of the UOC published a commentary in connection with the intention of the Romanian Orthodox Church to open its structure on the territory of Ukraine.

"We took the decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the intention to open its structure on the canonical territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with surprise and concern," the statement said.

It is noted that this decision was perceived as "contrary to the canonical order of church life, which is based on a territorial, rather than national principle".

The Information Department emphasized that the UOC appreciates Romanian-speaking parishes in its jurisdiction. "Their presence among us emphasizes the universal nature of the Church," explained the UOC.

All necessary conditions are created for Romanian-speaking believers so that they "feel comfortable within our Church", have "full freedom to perform services in Romanian and preserve their national-spiritual traditions".

"The relationship between the Romanian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches has always been warm and constructive, so it is hoped that the decision taken by the Romanian side will be reviewed so that it would not overshadow the traditionally good relations between our Churches," the UOC wrote.

As reported by the UOJ, the Romanian Patriarchate established the "Romanian Orthodox Church of Ukraine".

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