On Mount Athos, a cell in St Panteleimon's Skete burns down

Fire in the cell of St Panteleimon. Photo: a screenshot of the YouTube channel Voria.gr

On March 3, 2024, on Mount Athos, the cell of Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon, belonging to the Koutloumousiou Monastery, almost completely burnt down.

According to Greek media reports, the fire in the cell, located near the administrative centre of Mount Athos, Karyes, started at 09:40 a.m.

Five fire trucks were deployed to extinguish the fire. The main task of the firefighters was to prevent the spread of fire to neighbouring cells, where dozens of monks live.

According to available information, the cell building is almost fully destroyed and efforts are currently being made to save the church. Monk Theophylact, who lives in the cell, was unharmed.


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