Pope calls gender ideology a danger to the world

Pope Francis. Photo: apnews.com

Pope Francis said that the ugliest threat to the world is gender ideology, which erases the difference between men and women. This is stated in his address to the participants in the international Symposium "Man-Woman: Image of God. Towards an Anthropology of Vocations," the Vatican News reports.

He noted that man and woman are the image of God and that the ideology of gender erases humanity.

Created by God in His own image, man and woman “carry within themselves a desire for eternity and happiness that God himself has planted in their hearts and that they are called to fulfil through a specific vocation <...>. We are called to happiness, to the fullness of life, to something great to which God has destined us <...>. Generating this hope, placing oneself at the service of the Kingdom of God to build an open and fraternal world is a mission entrusted to every woman and man of our time,” Pope Francis said.

As reported, the Pope said that "moral perfection" is not required for gay people to receive the blessing.

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