Metropolitan Clement: Easter services in churches to be broadcast online

Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluki. Photo: a video screenshot, Klymenko Time YouTube channel

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church will hold Easter services in churches, as well as organize online broadcasts. The head of the UOC Information and Education Department, Metropolitan Clement (Vecheria) of Nizhyn and Pryluki said this in a commentary to “Ukrainian News” on Wednesday, April 14.

“The Church already has last year's experience in conducting divine services, when all of them were performed taking into account all the quarantine requirements and in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Health. We did everything necessary to keep distance and other measures,” the Metropolitan said.

He noted that no one cancelled last year's measures, and they are still in effect. Therefore, according to the hierarch of the UOC, this year Easter services will be held in the same format.

Also, according to Metropolitan Clement, online broadcasts and sound recording of divine services will be organized in the parish territories.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the authorities have not yet planned to close churches for Easter, but are going to introduce additional precautions during the Easter period.

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