Biden admin allocates a million dollars to deny there are only two genders

The White House with the US and LGBT flags. Photo:

The Biden administration poured almost a million dollars into "gender research" aimed at Aimed At Denying There Are Only Two Genders, reports

A federal government agency tasked with promoting scientific progress and securing national defence is dumping nearly one million taxpayer dollars into an effort to make biology “inclusive” by denying that there are only two genders.

The National Science Foundation granted funds to three institutions based on the claim that “biology courses often inaccurately categorize sex and gender as binary”.

The government-commissioned research for senior biology students "aims to make undergraduate biology classes more “inclusive” for transgender students, in part by denying the fact that sex is binary".

The National Science Foundation labels the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program as "high-priority" and states in the preamble to the grant that "the oversimplification of sex and gender into binary categories can make biology classrooms particularly challenging for TNG students" and those who identify themselves as "non-binary and gender-nonconforming".

A foundation spokesperson stated that "the effort to make biology more inclusive for those who identify as transgender was “identified as having intellectual merit" as there are "compelling arguments" for this assertion.

According to him, the government-backed effort seeks to "support the design of interventions and curriculum inclusive of both TNG and intersex students" and help "all biology students develop inclusive and scientifically accurate understandings of sex and gender".

Earlier, the Prime Minister of Britain referred to gender as biological sex, not gender identity.

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