Piraeus Metropolitan excommunicates politicians who supported gay marriage

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus. Photo: thermonews.gr

On February 22, 2024, Metropolitan Seraphim and priests of the Piraeus Metropolis of the Greek Orthodox Church adopted a resolution stating that politicians who supported the legalization of same-sex marriages will be excommunicated from communion.

At the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Piraeus, an extraordinary meeting of priests was held on the topic "Eliminating the Consequences of the Adoption of the Law on Same-Sex Marriages".

The statement by the metropolis states that the adoption of the law legalizing same-sex marriages by the Greek parliament "distorts and perverts the anthropology and physiology of God's creation, blasphemously attempting to annul the Divine law, and fiercely opposes the canonical framework of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, given to it by the Holy Spirit."

According to the priests of the Piraeus diocese, those who voted in favor of this law "despise the Divine law and oppose the salvation and eternal perspective of man, called to voluntarily and lovingly become a temple of the Holy Spirit and correspond to his Creator."

"Thus, they have voluntarily lost their Christian status, and communion with them is fraught with the decomposition of faith and the nullification of the Church's work, called to uphold citizens of the Divine Kingdom in the Holy Spirit," the document says.

The metropolis noted that "in order to protect our ministry and fulfill our responsibility before the Most Holy God, we are terminating our communion with those who voted against the Divine law, with all the ensuing consequences, not inviting them to any of the events of our parishes until their repentance is confirmed by the repeal of this indecent law by the National Parliament."

"We offer prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, incarnated for us, and to His Most Holy Mother, and call on the faithful people of God to practical repentance for the blasphemy and outrage against our unshakable faith, committed by the adoption of a law legalizing same-sex marriages," concluded the Piraeus Metropolis.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Greek priests excommunicate from the Church deputies who voted for LGBT marriages.

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