Greek priests excommunicate MPs who voted in favour of LGBT marriage

Greek priests excommunicate MPs who voted in favour of gay marriage. Photo: Pronews

Priest Pavlos Kallikas from the island of Kythira has anathematised three Greek MPs who voted in favour of LGBT marriage, Pronews reports.

The MPs in question are Konstantinos Katsafados, Domna-Maria Michailidou and Nikolaos Vlachakos, MPs from the 1st district of Piraeus and the islands of Katsafado.

In his open letter, the priest says that this is not his personal position. He refers to the words of Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"

The priest agrees to lift the anathema only if the deputies publicly repent.

Another priest of the Hellenic Church, Panayiotis Michas, rector of the church of Agia Kyriaki Trikala, has banned MPs who voted in favour of gay marriage from entering his church. He is also ready to change his position only in the case of full repentance of the elected representatives.

Earlier, the UOJ analysed in an article why Greece voted in favour of LGBT marriages.

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