Obukhiv: OCU reps hold a meeting to “transfer” Intercession Church of UOC

Participants of the "meeting" in Obukhiv performing the anthem. Photo: "Chronicles of Obukhiv"

On 17 February 2024, in the town of Obukhiv, Dmytro Denis, a "priest" of the Kyiv temple of the OCU at the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, organised a meeting on the "transition" of the Intercession Church of the UOC located in the microdistrict Yablunevyi to Dumenko’s structure, reports the website "Chronicles of Obukhiv".

D. Denis organised the entrance to the House of Culture exclusively by residence permit and registration cards. Accordingly, parishioners of the Intercession Church from the villages near Obukhiv were not allowed to vote.

"Please, police officers! Everyone who has a card and residence permit goes inside. Those who do not have a card and residence permit stay outside. And only those who have the right will vote," Denis said, without explaining to those present what he had to do with the Intercession community of Obukhiv.

When the UOC priest remarked that he would be held responsible for his crime, Denis pathetically said that he would "answer to God".

As a result, there were more people "with residence permits" who had no relation to the church community in the hall. After the vote, they shouted "Glory to Ukraine – glory to the heroes!" and sang the anthem.

As earlier reported, during an unlawful meeting at the Cultural Center in Makariv, organized by incoming raiders, those present, in addition to taking over two UOC temples from the parishioners, discussed seizing another one that is still under construction "to bar the rabble from crawling".

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