Mufti and imams of Crimea support Putin's nomination for Russian president

The mufti of Crimea. Photo: Gala Amarando

Spiritual Islamic leaders in Crimea have declared their full support for Putin in the upcoming Russian presidential election, the Crimean News Agency reports.

Crimean Mufti Haji Emirali Ablaev and imams of Crimean mosques joined in collecting signatures for Putin at a shopping centre in Simferopol.

"We as a people are grateful for what has been done for the Crimean Tatar people, including Crimean Muslims, in 10 years. More than 100 years have passed since the Alexander III Mosque in Sevastopol and the Valide Şerif Mosque in Simferopol were built for Crimean Tatars. Today we are side by side, in good neighbourliness and friendship, should support each other and be grateful for everything that is being done in our republic. That is why we have come here to support our President. Everything that is happening is thanks to him, we support him as a candidate and as the President of our country," said the Mufti of Crimea.

Earlier, the first service was held in the newly built main mosque of Crimea.

As earlier reported, Putin promised Kadyrov to build a new mosque in Moscow.

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