UOC shows destroyed St George's church in Kostiantynivka village

Destroyed St George's Church in Kostiantynivka. Photo: tg-channel of the Pokrovsky Vicariate

The Pokrovsky vicariate of the UOC showed the destroyed St George's church in the village of Kostiantynivka of the Pokrovsky district of Donetsk region, near Maryinka. Video and photo were published in the Telegram channel of the vicariate.

The footage shows that the windows in the building were completely broken, the walls were hit with shrapnel, the roof was broken and in some places completely destroyed, and the dome was also destroyed. The altar and the temple itself are covered with construction rubbish, with broken icons scattered everywhere. At the same time, the throne remained intact alongside the crucifix and two lecterns.

Earlier UOJ wrote that the Network published a UOC temple in the destroyed Avdiivka.

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