Amsterdam: While Zelensky tours the world, bandits seize UOC temples at home

OCU mercenaries in Lenkivtsi beat parishioners. Photo: UOJ

Lawyer Robert Amsterdam of the UOC in the USA published a video from Lenkivtsi on his X, where mercenaries hired by the Dumenko adepts brutally beat UOC parishioners while attempting to seize their Sts. Peter and Paul Church.

The lawyer emphasized that while Zelensky was attending events in Berlin, lawlessness was being committed around UOC churches in his own country.

"While Zelensky visits Berlin, this is how OCU thugs are allowed to raid, seize, and attack UOC members back home, with no accountability from police, with full permission from the Ukrainian government. This happened in Lenkivtsi," Amsterdam wrote.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that after the expulsion of raiders, the UOC community in Lenkivtsi resumed services.

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