"To bar the rabble from crawling": temple under construction taken from UOC

An activist in Makariv. Photo: Dozor_kozak1

On February 18, 2024, during an unlawful meeting at the Cultural Center in Makariv, organized by incoming raiders Vozny and Hryshachev, those present, in addition to seizing the Sts. Demetrius and Elias temples from the parishioners, discussed seizing another one that is still under construction. The video of the discussion was published by the dozor_kozak1 telegram channel.

"Dear sirs, you forgot about another Russian church that is still under construction," said an active elderly man from the audience. "Everyone is gathering there. We need to take that one too."

Serhiy Vozny objected, saying that the church is being built on private territory.

"But still, it's a Russian church. Let's vote to prevent this rabble from crawling there," objected the active pensioner.

"Let's vote," agreed Vozny.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to the lawyer of the OCU, to be considered a member of the church community, it is not necessary to attend church.

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