In vil. Druzhnia, OCU raiders fail to organise "a transition meeting"

A group of raiders in the village of Druzhnia. Photo: Puls FB page

On 17 February 2024, a group of OCU "guest raiders", which earlier tried to organise a "transition meeting" in Pylypovychi, failed to hold a similar gathering in the village of Druzhnia in the Kyiv region, writes the Borodianka UTC on its FB page.

"Raiders from the OCU arranged the same farce as in Pylypovychi. According to our information, the organisers of the raid meeting did not even bother with the crowd – they brought the same people they used in Pylypovychi. This process was led by the same odious cleric of the OCU Dmytro Koshka and his accomplice Serhiy Voznyy, acting Iryna Zakharchenko and Dmytro Naumenko," reports the publication of the Borodianka UTC.

As the authors write, "the criminals from the OCU tried to use the premises of the village council to stage ‘a meeting of the religious community of the St. Paraskeva Church of the UOC’. But even here the raiders disgraced themselves. The village headman did not want to violate the law and refused them to use the premises of the village council".

About 70 parishioners of the temple came to express their disagreement with this lawlessness. Because of this, 20 “guests” "had to pack up and leave the village in half an hour".

"The raiders of the Epifaniy structure had to falsify the minutes of the meeting literally on their knees. UOC believers of Pylypovychi and Druzhnia today stood up in defence of their sanctuaries and defended the temples," the message says.

As earlier reported, on 17 February, a group of 20 “guest raiders” led by "priest"-deputy Dmytro Koshka tried to arrange a farce meeting on the transfer of St Demetrius Church in Pylypovychi.

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