UOC priest: We must win in case with SBU to prevent persecution of others

Archpriest Viktor Zemlianoy. Photo: facebook.com/MitropolitAntoniy

The case, which the SBU reopened against Archpriest Viktor Zemlianoy, may become a precedent for the oppression of other priests of the UOC.

It is necessary to secure the recognition of the actions of the SBU of the Rivne region against the clergy of the UOC as illegal in order to exclude the persecution of believers under this scheme in the future, Archpriest Viktor Zemlianoy noted in a comment to the First Cossack channel.

Father Viktor noted that representatives of the security forces want to close the case against him "by the statute of limitations."

“But this does not suit us, because I really did not incite any hostility and did not distribute any forbidden literature,” the priest emphasized. “All the literature that was found is about a split only. And all the terms used there were defined not by me but by the Councils of our Church."

In the Rivne diocese of the UOC, the actions of the SBU are regarded as pressure on the clergy, because a lot of priests and even bishops were searched without justification.

Archpriest Viktor Zemlyanoy noted that this case has ceased to be his personal problem and concerns all believers.

“It’s no longer about my person only. Because the prosecutor's office suggested a 'trade-off' during the pre-trial consideration – that they would give a fine so that I partially admitted my guilt in some way. So they will fine me, and it will end at that point.

But the point is it will be a precedent. And in the future, other clergymen of our Church will be persecuted by this pattern. Therefore, it is important for me and our defenders at this stage to go towards victory and to the recognition of all these actions by the court as illegal."

Father Viktor is charged with inciting religious hatred and distributing prohibited literature.

As the UOJ reported, Archpriest Viktor Zemlianoy will file a motion to close the case.

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