Brussels calls for adoption of Declaration on Christian Values in Europe

Maximos Charakopoulos. Photo:

At a meeting at the EU headquarters in Brussels on 14 February, Maximos Charakopoulos, the Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (IAO) and a Greek MP, said it was necessary to resist the expulsion of Christian values from Europe, reports.

Charakopoulos said that now, in the name of multiculturalism and extreme political correctness, every reference to the Christian roots of Europe and the essential contribution of Christianity to the formation of European culture is deleted.

The IAO Secretary General underlined that "the narrative that no monotheistic religion is indigenous to Europe, therefore neither is Christianity, which according to its opponents was not born on the old continent and cannot be considered one of the three pillars of the European edifice, is ahistorical”.

He said the debate on the European future fails to mention not only the Christian traditional values of Europe but even the role of religion in modern societies.

"That is why, in the run-up to the European elections, we believe that we should intensify our efforts and call on the European parties, but also all the MEP candidates, to position themselves clearly on how they see the EU's relations with the churches, how they see Christian values in modern Europe," the IAO Secretary General said.

According to him, following this direction, it is important to adopt a Declaration on Christian Values in Europe.

As reported, the Greek parliament passed a law legalising same-sex marriage and granting gay couples the right to adopt children.

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