OCU appoints "rector" to Lenkivtsi a month and a half before "transition"

Proof of another scam by the OCU. Photo: UOJ

The UOJ has got a photograph of the "rector's" certificate of the OCU "priest" Nazar Krasnodemsky, which shows that he received it long before the meeting organised by the authorities to transfer Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church of the UOC in Lenkivtsi to the OCU.

Krasnodemsky's certificate, signed by the former head of the Chernivtsi and Bukovyna Eparchy of the OCU, Danylo Kovalchuk, shows that the date of issue is 1 October 2023 while the illegal "meeting on transition" took place in the House of Culture only on 19 November; and neither the real rector Mykola Rus nor members of the church community were allowed to attend it. On the same day, the Sts. Peter and Paul parish, numbering 200 people, voted in the church for allegiance to the UOC.

Thus, Krasnodemsky was appointed "rector" to the temple of the UOC long before the illegal meeting.

As reported, a video of the brutal beating of UC believers in Lenkivtsi was published on the Net.

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