MP: Head of the OCU Epifaniy is responsible for the massacre in Lenkivtsi

OCU raider beats UOC believer in the village of Lenkivtsi. Photo: screenshot from Chernivtsi Diocese Facebook page video

VR MP Artem Dmytruk stated that the head of the OCU, Epifaniy Dumenko, bears full responsibility for the beating of UOC believers by raiders of his confession in the village of Lenkivtsi, Chernivtsi region, during the seizure of the Sts. Peter and Paul Church. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

According to the MP, the situation in Lenkivtsi "resembles the most blatant iniquity of the early 90s, when the authorities completely lost control over what was happening in the country, and people lived in fear of various gangs."

Dmytruk also noted that today Ukraine "stands on the brink of a religious war unleashed by the authorities and pseudo-Christians against their own people."

"Do you not think that such actions on the part of your proteges are not only discrediting the religious organization you lead, but also completely discrediting the state of Ukraine, in which, judging by the kicks to the head, your proteges are taking an active part? This video will be seen by the whole world. And you bear responsibility for the scandal, as well as all those who continue to cover up what is happening in the country," the MP wrote, addressing the head of the OCU.

As the UOJ reported, a video of the brutal beating of UOC believers in Lenkivtsi was published online.

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