Putin: The main tenets of Orthodoxy, Islam, and Buddhism are the same

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo: screenshot of X Carlson

Russian President V. Putin, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, explained why the main religions of Russia are almost identical, whether it is necessary to visit churches often, and how Christianity and war can be reconciled. The Russian translation was published by the AKIpress news YouTube channel.

Putin told Carlson that "Eastern Christianity is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the Russian people." But when Russia "absorbed other peoples who profess Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism," the state treated the bearers of this faith very loyally. According to Putin, this happened because of the similarity of these religions.

"In essence, the main theses, the main values, are very similar, if not the same," said the President of the Russian Federation.

Carlson disagreed with Putin and stated that Christianity fundamentally differs from other religions.

"The thing is, Christianity is not a violent religion. Christ says, in response to a blow, one should offer the other cheek, there is the commandment 'do not kill,' and so on. How can the leader of a country be a Christian if he has to (in war – Editor's note) kill someone else?" Carlson asked Putin.

Putin replied that it is "easy" for him because he considers the war in Ukraine to be "defensive".

"We are not attacking anyone," Putin assured the journalist.

Commenting on "religion in general", the RF President stated that "it is not about external manifestations, not about daily visits to church and banging one's head on the floor."

"It is in the heart. We have such a culture, human-oriented," Putin said.

Earlier, a hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church claimed that God would save the world through Putin.

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