Head of the Kremenets Reserve mocks Church’s Sacraments

Vasyl Ilchyshyn. Photo: facebook.com/wasyl.ilchyshyn

Acting Director of the Kremenets-Pochaiv State Historical and Architectural Reserve Vasyl Ilchyshyn made fun of the Sacraments of the Church.

Vasyl took selfies standing in the middle of the seized St Nicholas Church in Kremenets, accompanying his photo with the caption: "Today I was addressed with ‘Father Vasyl’! It somewhat stunned me and those around me at that moment but also made us think... Probably, there is already a 'professional deformation' on the 3rd month of work".

In comments under Ilchyshyn's publication, Oksana Hrytsiuta, an employee of the Odesa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, wrote: "I would come to you for confession and communion." To which Ilchyshyn replied, "I have never refused you either the first or the second! Neither have you denied me!"

Later, when believers were outraged by Ilchyshyn's blasphemy, and the “Kozak 1” TV channel published their reaction, he replied that he "only rejoices in such publications".

He believes that "the Muscovites are turning out as if on a frying pan and the only thing they can do is to spit venom".

Addressing Hrytsiuta, Ilchyshyn wrote that "you probably did not even suspect that you would become a "stone of discord", the Eve who threw the apple. But that's cool! Wouldn't you agree?!".

The Acting Director of the Reserve believes that his blasphemy against the Sacraments of the Church is an "innocent joke" that "people with inflammation of the 'Orthodoxy of the brain' do not understand!"

"Victory is coming soon! And everything will be Ukraine!" he addressed his subscribers.

As reported, Vasyl Ilchyshyn said that he was happy to evict the students of the Kremenets School from the buildings and kicked out the St. Nicholas community of the UOC from the cathedral.

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