American lawyer: It’s a shock that priests are being attacked in Ukraine

Robert Amsterdam. Photo: X Tucker Carlson

Robert Amsterdam, an American lawyer of the UOC, said in an interview on Alexander Shelest's YouTube channel that he was shocked by the facts of clergy beatings.

"The bill against the UOC is an unprecedented example since the Nuremberg trials. It is discriminatory and contains provisions that can be interpreted in different ways. In addition, it is a shock that a country that is seeking assistance from Western countries is ready to impose sanctions on hundreds of thousands of Christians. It is shocking that we witness violence and takeovers of churches and beating of priests," Amsterdam highlighted.

Asked how he feels about the OCU, the lawyer said he is used to operating with facts, not emotions, but he cannot imagine how the OCU can condone forceful actions against the UOC and "why it does not cause resistance".

Amsterdam is also shocked that the authorities are using the media to organise black PR campaigns against the UOC.

"I see the facts that when people disagree with the Ukrainian government, they are called people of disinformation. Ukraine never provides actual evidence when they defame you. They simply use the powerful media to defame or libel people who disagree. And it’s very sad because Ukraine sanctions more people, including its own citizens, than some of the juntas in Africa," the lawyer said.

As reported, Amsterdam is to meet members of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kyiv.


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