UOC hierarch consecrates a car donated by Athonite monks for AFU needs

Archbishop Victor consecrates a car for the AFU. Photo: facebook.com/khmeparhiya

On February 3, 2024, Archbishop Victor of Khmelnytskyi and Starokostiantyniv blessed a cargo truck at the Holy Transfiguration Holovchyntsi nunnery. The vehicle was a gift from the monks of Mount Athos for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The truck was transported to Ukraine through the efforts of volunteers, including Liubomyr Antoniuk, Oleksandr Khrystofor, Serhii Hulko, Ivan Lastovskyi, Maxym and Halyna Virkebau, as well as parishioners and the rector of the Assumption Church in the town of Letychiv, Archpriest Dmytro Stetsko.

Before being sent to the front lines, the truck was loaded with long-lasting food products donated by the sisters of the Holy Transfiguration Holovchyntsi Convent, led by Mother Superior Liubov (Pikhur).

The cargo truck will deliver over 500 trench candles, crafted by the efforts of youth and parishioners from the temples of Khmelnytskyi, using materials collected in the parishes of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy, for the needs of the defenders.

Archbishop Victor also handed over 20,000 hryvnias, collected by the believers of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy, to the volunteers who will transport the vehicle to the front line. This amount is intended for refueling the vehicle for the AFU.

The Khmelnytskyi Eparchy expresses sincere gratitude to all people of goodwill who joined this charitable cause for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Special thanks are extended to the group of Ukrainians abroad residing in Tullamore, Ireland. May the Lord daily bestow His grace and generosity upon all of you!

Earlier, the UOJ reported that clergy, parishioners, and volunteers from the Krasyliv deanery of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy purchased a vehicle for the 102nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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