Mass media: Scandalous OCU "dean" from Krasyliv sells his church

The building of the Krasyliv church of the UOC-KP, where Mykola Khomyak was the "rector". Photo: Telegram channel "Watch on the First Cossack'"

"Priest" of the OCU Mykola Khomyak, who on 27 January 2024 led the raider seizure of the temple in the village of Peches'ke, Khmelnytsky region, is selling to businessmen the former UOC-KP church in Krasyliv, where he served as the "rector". This is reported by Telegram-channel "Dozor na"Pershomu Kozatskomu'" (Watch on the First Cossack - Trans.) with reference to its sources.

According to the channel, "In addition to being behind raiding seizures of Orthodox churches, Khomyak is also involved in various financial manipulations. In the late 90s, Khomyak arrived in Krasyliv, and local authorities provided him with a former kindergarten building owned by a sugar plant. He established a church there and later privatized the premises." According to the sources of the channel, Khomyak is currently offering to sell his church and land to local businessmen, and it is assumed that, in the event of a sale, all structures will be demolished.

Earlier, during the seizure of the Protection Church of the UOC-KP in the village of Peches'ke, Mykola Khomyak insulted the rector and parishioners, threatened the use of force, and cursed one of the believers.

In addition, he caused a scuffle in one of the state institutions in Khmelnytsky region.

As the UOJ reported earlier, Khomyak's son, "priest" Sviatoslav Khomyak of the OCU, compared his father's behavior to that of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

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