Yelensky calls on U.S. to arm Ukraine for the sake of religious freedom

V. Yelensky. Photo: Holos Ameryky

The Head of the State Ethnic Policy Service of Ukraine, Viktor Yelensky, who is in the USA as part of the third annual Ukrainian Week, which began on January 29 and will last until February 3, told the "Voice of America" that Ukraine needs weapons to stop the repression against priests and believers.

"Military aid to Ukraine is, in fact, a struggle for religious freedom. The more believers in the United States realize this, the higher the level of religious freedom in the world will be," said Yelensky.

He noted that a delegation of Ukrainian Protestants, members of the AUCCRO, met with Speaker of the House Michael Johnson and other members of Congress from the Republican Party, on whom the allocation of additional military aid to Ukraine in the amount of over 60 billion dollars depends.

The publication writes that as part of the Ukrainian Week, more than 150 meetings at various levels have been scheduled for several dozen members of the Ukrainian delegation.

Recall that the Ministry of Culture told Americans that the Lavra is open for interfaith dialogue.

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