Official calls presence of Phanar Exarch God's mercy

A meeting of the head of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs with the Exarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Photo: Facebook page of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs

The head of the Ministry of Veterans Yulia Laputina said during a meeting with the Exarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Ukraine, Bishop Mykhailo (Anishchenko) that the presence of the Phanar in Ukraine is God's mercy for Ukrainians, reports the press service of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine.

“The presence of the representative Office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine is evidence of God's great mercy for Orthodox Ukrainians,” noted Yulia Laputina.

“The spiritual front is not only a struggle against all types of aggressor propaganda, reinforcing the faith of Ukrainians in their own strength and in victory over the enemy. This is both the support for the soldiers and help for them in returning to a peaceful life, and a worthy celebration of those who gave their lives for the will of Ukraine. The defenders were the first to introduce in Ukraine the worldview perception of Ukrainians as a nation,” added Yulia Laputina.

According to Laputina, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, together with the "clergy" (OCU – Ed.) will create mobile groups for rehabilitation work with veterans in the most remote corners of Ukraine, and the territorial departments of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and Local Church cells will join their efforts on the ground to help veterans and families of the fallen defenders of Ukraine. 

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