Patriarch of Alexandria on gays: Church is a hug, not a court

Patriarch Theodore. Photo: orthodoxianewsagency

Patriarch Theodore, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria, responding to a question from journalists about his attitude to the legalisation of same-sex marriage said, "The Church is a hug, not a court."

Patriarch Theodore, who was asked by journalists about gay marriage, said: "As a human being, I heard today the answer that Christ gave me in the Gospel: 'I came into the world to save every man, the sinner, the tax collector, the Pharisee, the harlot, the prostitute, the beggar'."

"Therefore, my children, I do not want to criticize or give my opinion, but I want everyone to be happy, whatever path they choose," the Patriarch said.

Reflecting on the legalisation of same-sex marriage and gays’ right to adopt children, which is highly controversial in Greece, the head of the Church of Alexandria said: "Whatever you decide, please take care of the little children’s lives."

Speaking further about gays, the Patriarch continued: "If they have decided on this path, the Church loves them all and waits for them all. The Church is a hug, not a Court of First Instance, not a Court, it is love."

Earlier the UOJ wrote that the head of the Greek Archdiocese of America explained why he baptised gays’ children.

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