Dumenko tells US Congress advisers about "joining of communities" to OCU

Meeting of Dumenko and the delegation of the US Congress. Photo: OCU

On January 25, the head of the OCU, Epifaniy Dumenko, and Evstratiy Zoria met with a delegation of senior advisers from the US Congress and American experts led by the President of the American Council on Foreign Policy, Herman Pirchner, the OCU website reports.

At the meeting, Dumenko told the delegates about religious freedom in Ukraine, the transition of religious communities to the OCU, and "other important religious and social processes." The head of the OCU also spoke about the "fruitful work" of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and complained about repression in the occupied territories by the Russian Federation against members of his organization.

At the end of the meeting, Epifaniy thanked the United States for their support.

As previously reported by the UOJ, in November 2023, it became known that the authorities sent an AUCCRO delegation to the United States to "counter" the media explosion there following the broadcast of Tucker Carlson and the lawyer of the UOC, Bob Amsterdam, which, in turn, was reposted by X and Elon Musk.

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