Theologian: Fanar contradicts itself saying there is no schism in Orthodoxy

The head of Phanar and Epiphany Dumenko. Photo:

The priest, theologian, publicist and head of the center for patristic publications in Athens, Protopresbyter John K. Diotis, believes that Patriarch Bartholomew contradicts himself when he claims there is no schism in World Orthodoxy because of the OCU.

Protopresbyter John analyzed the words of Patriarch Bartholomew, spoken by him on March 6, 2021, to the representatives of the Ukrainian delegation in Istanbul: “The unity of Orthodoxy is by no means exposed to trial because of the response of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the request of the Ukrainian Orthodox. The Tomos of autocephaly was an act of responsibility of the Mother Church...”

“Ecumenical Patriarch Fr. Bartholomew, claiming that the alleged pseudo-autocephaly of his pseudo-church in no way affected church unity, stubbornly contradicts himself," assures Fr. John.

He recalled that in the same speech to the Ukrainian deputies in Istanbul, Patriarch Bartholomew said that the schismatic church situation in Ukraine "has inflicted a deep wound on the communion of the entire Orthodox Church."

Protopresbyter John believes that these words of the Patriarch should be interpreted as “recognition that the Ukrainian issue is still a deep wound for the entire Orthodox Church."

In his opinion, “this painful situation was not only not corrected by the actions of Pat. Bartholomew, but, having greatly deteriorated (this is a proven fact), remained invariably thorny."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Greek media provided evidence of a split in Orthodoxy due to the OCU.

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