Greek media cite evidence of split of Orthodoxy caused by OCU

The head of Phanar and Epiphany Dumenko. Photo:

Priest, theologian, publicist and head of the center for patristic publications in Athens, Protopresbyter John K. Diotis gave numerous examples of the schism inWorld Orthodoxy due to Phanar's issuance of the Tomos to the OCU.

An article by Father John, which was published on the pages of the Κιβωτὸς τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας (Ark of Orthodoxy) newspaper, was later published by the Orthodoxostypos edition.

In this article, the priest analyzed the following statement of Patriarch Bartholomew: “The unity of Orthodoxy is by no means exposed to trial because of the response of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the request of the Ukrainian Orthodox. The Tomos of autocephaly was an act of responsibility of the Mother Church ...”

Protopresbyter John believes that these words of Patriarch Bartholomew should be qualified as “deceiving mainly those who do not have information about this unprecedented ecclesiological scandal” (i.e. the granting of the Tomos to the OCU – Ed.).

Further, the priest gives specific examples indicating the fact that a split in World Orthodoxy does exist.

“Because of the Ukrainian issue, the unity of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with half of Orthodoxy was completely destroyed, because the Moscow Patriarchate broke off canonical communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate,” he writes.

For this reason, says the priest further, “the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Ecumenical Patriarch personally entered into a fierce conflict with the Patriarch of Jerusalem. This conflict hasn’t abated yet."

Father John asserts that "the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is facing a complete ecclesiological rupture with the new Patriarch of the Serbian Church Porfirije, who accused Bartholomew, emphasizing that the Ukrainian issue is causing confusion in Universal Orthodoxy."

In addition, he pointed out that "a big scandal continues in Greece after the pseudo-recognition of the Ukrainian pseudo-autocephaly by numerous publications and statements of high-level figures against the leadership of the Church."

Also, according to the priest John, and "there is dismay among the hierarchs of the Alexandrian Patriarchate, and Patriarch Theodore was severely criticized for arbitrary and anti-canonical recognition of the false bishop Epiphany as Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine."

"The patriarchal authority of Theodore was incorrigibly undermined, as he fell into contradiction and inconsistency, since he used to recognize Onuphry as the canonical Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine," the priest wrote.

He recalled that "the Ukrainian issue has caused an unprecedented controversy in the Church of Cyprus between the Archbishop and the Metropolitans," moreover, "the Ukrainian autocephaly, which undermines canon law, has brought great confusion to Athos as well."

The priest also referred to the opinion of “the outstanding theologian, Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, who admitted that the Ukrainian issue violates the unity of Orthodoxy and proposed to convene a Pan-Orthodox Council to heal this wound. The convocation of the council was also proposed by many others.

Protopresbyter John claims that a number of "metropolitans, professors of theological schools and other learned theologians and clergy have declared that the non-canonical and arbitrary actions of Patriarch Bartholomew in this case have created and continue to create multiple schismatic ripples throughout Orthodoxy."

“There are many dozens of publications that emphasize that the Ukrainian pseudo-autocephaly continues to cause confusion throughout Orthodoxy,” the priest emphasized.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Protopresbyter John Diotis, the head of Phanar should be deposed.

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