UOC Chancellor: There is no split into "Greek" and "Slavic" Orthodoxy

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: facebook.com/Metropolitan Anthony

There is definitely no split into ‘Greek’ and ‘Slavic’ Orthodoxy," said the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, in the Faces project of the Odessa Eparchy.

According to the Metropolitan, "this is an artificial thesis being injected into our lives in order to divide us into nations."

“We see that in the Greek Churches, not everyone accepts the logic of Istanbul and the actions of Patriarch Bartholomew. Therefore, it is basically about the defense of the true Orthodox faith by any nation, by any people. If we fail to come to grips with this idea, then why did the Apostle Paul say that there are no such differences in Christ?” noted the UOC Chancellor.

In addition, Metropolitan Anthony believes, if there had been an open discussion in those Churches that chose to support the actions of Phanar in relation to Ukrainian schismatics, “then such decisions would never have been taken.”

We will remind, earlier the hierarch of the UOC noted that he considers the literal understanding by Patriarch Bartholomew of the title "Ecumenical" with the corresponding claims to be unfounded.

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