Bartholomew condemning ethnophyletism to Greeks: Be proud of your roots

Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: orthodoxianewsagency

Patriarch Bartholomew, who has made repeated statements against ethnophyletism in the Church, urged Greeks to be proud of their origin.

During the liturgy on the Feast of Epiphany, Patriarch Bartholomew told the gathered believers, including representatives from Ukraine, that "on the land of Asia Minor... we find the imprint of our ancestors everywhere."

"Do not forget your roots! Teach your children the traditions of the Greek nation. Encourage the new generation to be proud of their Asia Minor origin. Encourage young men and women to get acquainted with their homeland."

Earlier, the UOJ reported that in 2019, during a visit to Mount Athos, Patriarch Bartholomew stated that "our holy great Church of Christ, under the canonical protection and care of which this garden of the Holy Virgin has been for many centuries, led a bloodshed struggle for the protection of independence and preservation from ethnophyletism, which at that time was in full swing and, unfortunately, is still widespread today in certain circles."

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