OCU clergy sing national hymn on the solea of seized UOC church in Ladyzhyn

Clerics of the OCU sing the Ukrainian national anthem on the solea of the seized church in Ladyzhyn. Photo: screenshot of the YouTube channel "Na Paryzhi" video

On December 13, 2024, clergy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) conducted a "service" in the seized Kazan Church in Ladyzhyn, Vinnytsia Oblast, during which they sang the Ukrainian national anthem. The corresponding video was published by the "Na Paryzhi" outlet on their YouTube channel.

In the video, the "priests" sing the anthem with their hands over their hearts. Afterward, one of the clergy members shouts, "Glory to Ukraine – Glory to the Heroes, Glory to Jesus Christ – Forever Glory, I wish you health."

During the "service", no one from the public attended the church, except for the clergy and unidentified men in balaclavas present in the altar.

Journalists explained that supporters of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) "bricked up" the church, turning it into a fortress. As a result, OCU believers had to pray outside.

On the street, one of the clergy members addressed the waiting believers, saying, "Glory to Ukraine, glory to the nation, death to enemies, Ukraine – above all."

Recall that in Ladyzhyn, the rector was brutally beaten, and the Kazan Church was seized.

As reported by the UOJ, clergy members of the OCU, who don't know how to make the sign of the cross, embarrassed themselves at a UOC church in Ladyzhyn.

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