Italy to allocate € 500,000 for restoration of UOC Cathedral in Odesa

Odesa and UNESCO officials inspecting the Transfiguration Cathedral. Photo: the Odesa City Council website

The Italian government will transfer half a million euros for the restoration of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa by the end of January, as reported by the Odesa City Council website.

During a meeting between the Mayor of Odesa, Hennadiy Trukhanov, and the head of the UNESCO office in Ukraine, Chiara Dezzi Bardeschi, the parties analyzed the results of the past year's work and discussed plans for the next.

The first financial tranche in 2024 will be used for emergency repairs in the temple.

"This cathedral is of great importance to the residents of Odesa. It is crucial to preserve and restore the cathedral using any means, including with UNESCO’s assistance," said the Mayor of Odesa.

As reported, in October 2023, Italy and Ukraine signed an agreement on the restoration of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the UOC in Odesa.

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