“Acting abbot of the OCU Lavra" explains why he has empty churches

Lotysh is happy to have 2-3 adequate parishioners going to him. Photo: UOJ

Abrahamy Lotysh, "acting abbot of the OCU Lavra", in a comment to TSN comments on why there are no people in the Lavra temples at "services".

When asked by a journalist whether he has enough believers "to maintain the Lavra", Lotysh said that "the answer is very simple".

According to him, it would be better to have two or three people in the temples but "fully adequate", those "who are not waiting for Russian missiles, pro-Ukrainian".

He also expressed confidence that "real monastic life will revive" after "these trials are over". Which ones, Lotysh did not specify. Perhaps, he was referring to the trials on the Ministry of Culture's demands to expel the monks from the monastery.

As reported, the Network showed an almost empty Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra during the "Christmas service".

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