Gordon: Who raises the topic of religion and language is enemy of Ukraine

Dmitry Gordon. A photo: gordonua.com

On March 10, 2021, Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon said in the Olga Zhuravleva programme "Special Opinion" on “Echo of Moscow” that everyone who raises the topic of religion and language is the enemy of Ukraine.

Answering a question from a Russian journalist regarding the status of the Ukrainian language, Gordon said that "until the salary of a Ukrainian is from 1000 euros per month, the topics of language, religion, confession, nationality and heroes should not be raised at all”.

“I believe that today, in the current situation, those who fuel the themes of language, religion, confession, nationality and heroes in Ukraine are the enemy of Ukraine. Economics first,” the journalist emphasized.

And only "when people receive salaries from a thousand euros," he said, it will be possible in Ukraine "to hold discussions on the language and everything else".

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskyy believes that the "hype" on the church issue is aimed at splitting society.

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