UOC parishioner from Zadubrivka: OCU brings up children in hatred of us

Natalya, a parishioner of St. Michael's church in Zadubrivka. Photo: screenshot / Vitrazhi YouTube-channel

Owing to the “patriotism” of the OCU supporters, their children grow up very hateful towards the believers of the canonical Church, said Natalya, a parishioner of the St. Michael's church in Zadubrivka village, Chernivtsi region, in a comment to Vitrazhi YouTube channel.

It is also difficult to explain to your own children how people who call themselves believers can show such strong aggression, Natalya said.

“A child comes up to me and asks, 'Mom, who is a Muscovite?' The child is called a Muscovite!” she said.

“How can I explain to a child that this is a different religious branch?” the woman is perplexed. “There should be love and elementary respect for one's neighbor. Their children are raised on the basis of 'patriotism' – already very hateful to us, do you understand? It’s very hard to watch it.”

The UOC parishioner complained that because of the hatred of the supporters of the OCU, she was afraid to park her car near the church.

“A little further [I park], because there were incidents when the wheels were punctured and the surface of the car was spoiled,” she explained.

Although the believers in Zadubrivka are facing a difficult situation, there are also positive aspects, Natalya noted.

“Our Orthodox family is growing and strengthening,” she stressed. “We are learning to concede somewhere in some way. It's hard, of course, when you see such aggression. But we try to keep silent. "

As the UOJ reported, a young UOC parishioner from Zadubrivka spoke about the bullying at school.

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