Unexpectedly: Head of Phanar says OCU has grown over two years

"Divine service" in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the OCU. Photo: Facebook of Alexander (Drabinko)

On March 6, 2021, Patriarch Bartholomew, at a meeting with a Ukrainian delegation consisting of representatives of the Servant of the People Party and diplomats, said that the OCU had grown in two years, according to the Greek website Romfea.

The head of Phanar, addressing the Ukrainian delegation, said that "two years later, we are very glad to see the growth of the new Church under the inspired and unshakable leadership of our brother, His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kyiv, Mr. Epiphany."

Also, Patriarch Bartholomew believes that anyone who breaks Eucharistic unity with Phanar "risks tearing themselves off from the body of the Orthodox Church."

At the same time, the head of  Phanar is sure that his actions in Ukraine do not violate the unity of World Orthodoxy, and “if some cannot accept this reality (the granting of the Tomos – Ed.), then they should ask themselves who exactly violates the unity in the Orthodox Church."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Dimitriy Rudyuk reported that the OCU is facing a crisis of both "monastic" and "priestly" vocations. According to him, "this is a very disturbing trend."

In addition, on October 11, 2020, Epiphany and 11 “hierarchs” of the OCU “served” at Drabinko’s half-empty cathedral. 

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