UOC spokesman: Does Phanar head make excuses for his church crime?

Head of Phanar at a meeting with Ukrainian MPs. Photo: Facebook page of Yevheniya Kravchuk

It seems that the head of Phanar realizes the church crime he committed in Ukraine, but he cannot admit it and therefore constantly justifies himself. The Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, wrote about this in his tg-channel, commenting on the meeting of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople with Ukrainian people's deputies that took place the day before in Istanbul.

“I am reading the news about how Patriarch Bartholomew received a delegation of Servants of the People in Phanar and what he told them,” wrote the UOC spokesman. “By and large, when Patriarch Bartholomew speaks to different audiences on the Ukrainian issue, one gets the impression that in fact he is convincing himself of this erroneous step being right. He constantly justifies himself, constantly proves, first of all, to himself and then to everyone else that he did the right thing."

In fact, this is not so, the clergyman stated, "after all, if it were so, then he would not have to constantly talk about it and make excuses."

“Probably, somewhere in the depths of his soul, he understands that he has committed a huge church crime, but he does not want to acknowledge it. Therefore, he is making excuses. One can read it between the lines of his speeches,” Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich summed up.

We will remind, at a meeting with a delegation of "Servants of the People" in Istanbul, the head of Phanar confirmed that he would come to Ukraine to celebrate the Independence Day in August this year.

The UOJ also wrote that the scandalous MP Yaremenko handed letters from Zelensky and Epiphany to Patriarch Bartholomew and presented an icon painted in the colors of the Ukrainian national flag as a gift.

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