OCU “bishop” reports "significant progressing problems" within his structure

Kryzyna believes that Dumenko employs Moscow-style management. Photo: Kryzyna's Facebook

"Bishop" of Rivne-Volyn Gavriil Kryzyna, in his Facebook post, spoke about a series of problems within the OCU, which, according to him, are only worsening.

In one of his posts, Kryzyna pointed out a "big problem that is progressing" – the existence of two or three eparchies in one territory.

"At the same time, the attitude towards the eparchies of the former UAOC on the part of the state and the central leadership of the OCU is negative," Kryzyna complained.

According to him, until there is a "corresponding specific division of territories concerning the existing eparchies – it will only get worse."

Kryzyna also criticized Dumenko's management methods, stating that they are "Moscow-style".

"It is most difficult for His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy – because it is challenging to combine Moscow-style management of Metropolitan Filaret Denisenko with the conciliar style of Metropolitan Makariy Maletich – but he manages to do it successfully," Kryzyna quipped.

Later, for some reason, he decided to delete his publications, but screenshots remained.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that in the OCU, "hierarchs" from the former UAOC complain about the persecution of former followers of Filaret.


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