Serbian Patriarch speaks of reasons for Russia's war against Ukraine

Patriarch Porfirije. Photo:

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije spoke about the reasons for Russia's war against Ukraine, as well as the reasons for the war between Israel and Palestine.

In an interview with Politics, Patriarch Porfirije, answering a question about the "bloody war between Orthodox Russians and Orthodox Ukrainians", as well as "Jews and Palestinians at war in the Middle East", said that "the precondition for any war is forgetting God and renunciation of God".

This, he said, "always results in the loss of goodwill in interpersonal relations and the transition to some other, dark and bloody means of communication".

"The ancient Christian saints, the best connoisseurs of the depths of the human soul, personally experienced and left us as a lesson the teaching that every man, with the worst part of himself, is inclined to forget God, to suppress him from his life, consciously and intentionally, sometimes unconsciously. that he could do what he wanted in that apparent space of freedom," he said.

Patriarch Porfirije further noted, "Each of us fights against that in our own lives, or at least we should fight, and the Church is there to remind us of that in society, in the community."

However, unfortunately, "this personal impulse to forget God is joined by broad social movements that consciously and actively work to suppress God not only from the public sphere but also from the life of each individual."

Earlier, Patriarch Porfirije called on Serbs and Albanians to make peace.

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