MP DECR: Purpose of OCU creation is destruction of Orthodoxy

MP DECR: Purpose of OCU creation is destruction of Orthodoxy Deputy Head of the MP DECR, Archbishop Leonid of Vladikavkaz and Alania. Photo:

The creation of the OCU is initially a political project, the goal of which in the long term is the destruction of Orthodoxy, said the deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Leonid of Vladikavkaz and Alania in a report published on the DECR website.

The hierarch stressed that in the creation of the OCU as a political project, the head of the Phanar "has relied on the structures of American state power". American officials did not hide their participation in the project and publicly declared their support.

“Therefore, to consider that this is a purely ecclesiastical issue is to close our eyes to a completely obvious reality,” noted Archbishop Leonid.

According to the deputy head of the MP DECR, the recognition of the OCU by one or another Local Church is only a tactical task for the curators of the project.

“However, in the long term, the goal of the project is to destroy Orthodoxy,” he stressed. “Victories, which can now be perceived as such, will be achieved at an exorbitantly high price. And the bitter consequences of the schism taking place now will affect the life of the entire Orthodox Church for many years, perhaps for decades, to come."

One of these consequences and the fruit of the Phanar's short-sighted policy is the transformation of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, the archbishop noted.

“I express my firm hope that the schism in world Orthodoxy, initiated by external political forces hostile to the Church of Christ, will not last long,” the hierarch summed up. "Today we all need to stop, seriously think about what is happening, and act not at the behest of overseas secular officials, but as the Holy Spirit, our Christian conscience and the sacred canons of the Mother Church prompt us."

As reported, the OCU called on international partners to prevent the cancellation of the UOC renaming.

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