"ES" MP accuses "Faithful" congress of an attempt on state security

"European Solidarity" MP Rostislav Pavlenko. Photo: facebook.com/rostyslav.pavlenko

The congress of representatives of the communities of the seized churches of the UOC is an attempt on stability and state security, said Rostislav Pavlenko from the European Solidarity Party on his FB page.

The politician considers the persecutions of the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to be "non-existent." The fact that the UOC dared to complain about them "goes beyond all boundaries."

According to Pavlenko, the UOC is in a comfortable position because the authorities did not react to the congress of the persecuted communities.

The deputy called the silence of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve and the Ministry of Culture "an example of collaboration in the framework of a hostile campaign against Ukraine."

He was outraged by the inaction of the SBU and other government agencies and promised to "seek clarification."

Recall that it was Pavlenko who met with the head of Phanar to put the finishing touches on the Tomos granting.

As reported by the UOJ, at the Faithful congress, the head of the Legal Department of the UOC said that about 250 criminal cases on the seizure of churches had been opened.

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