Met Sawa: A new union with Greek Catholics can be fatal for Ukraine

Metropolitan Sawa at the festive Liturgy of the Nativity of Christ. Photo: the Mary Magdalene Cathedral’s website

On 7 January 2024, the Polish Orthodox Church solemnly celebrated the Nativity of Christ. Its Primate Metropolitan Sawa of All Poland led the service at Warsaw's St Mary Magdalene Cathedral, reports the cathedral's website.

According to the press service, the temple could hardly house all the faithful willing to attend the Christmas service. In his sermon, Metropolitan Sawa stressed that today it is not enough to simply call oneself Orthodox. Belonging to the Orthodox Church must be confirmed in everyday life by courageous testimony of faith in Christ, fidelity to the teachings of the Church and the traditions handed down by the predecessors. In this matter, as the bishop pointed out, there can be no concessions to the world and no disregard for the spiritual achievements of the Church.

According to UOJ sources, the Metropolitan also commented on the situation in Ukraine, in particular the efforts of the authorities to change the calendar. In his opinion, this work is being done in the interests of the Uniates, who are people who once betrayed their faith.

Vladyka noted that the head of the UGCC was first in Lviv, but now he is sitting in Kyiv. The change of the calendar is the next stage in the work of the Greek Catholics to achieve a new global union with the Orthodox Ukrainians. In his opinion, this could be fatal for the country.

The First Patriarch recalled that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist after the Union of Brest. According to him, this was Poland's punishment for the union. The same fate awaits Ukraine as soon as a new union is established, he believes.

In addition, the Metropolitan said that the world is approaching the end times. "Today whole countries are changing their foundations, traditions and customs, preparing the ground for the coming of the Antichrist," the Polish Primate warned.

As earlier reported, the Polish Church suspended cooperation with the RCC because of its support for the OCU.

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