Jerusalem Patriarch hopes for continuation of Amman meeting

Jerusalem Patriarch Theophilos. Photo:

On the anniversary of the meeting, which took place on February 26, 2020 in the Jordanian capital city of Amman, Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem published an open letter to the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches, in which he recalled why the Amman meeting was conceived and urged “to pursue deeper communion and to address our common challenges together.” 

In particular, the Patriarch noted that a year ago they “gathered in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to build our common fellowship in the pursuit of a dialogue of love for the sake of the unity of the Local Orthodox Churches. After two days of prayers and fraternal discussion, we emerged with greater determination to pursue deeper communion, and to address our common challenges together."

According to the Patriarch, none of the Primates imagined that the meeting would be taking place on a cusp of a global coronavirus pandemic, which forced "to lift their hearts from despair and to turn to the Lord who gives us hope." In this context, the Primate of the Jerusalem Church recalled the late Serbian Patriarch Irinej, "who was with us in Jordan, and who is now asleep in the Lord." Thanks to the invention of the vaccine, the Patriarch looks forward to brighter days, and “we are reminded of our common commitment to gather for prayer and fellowship. We pray that this may be possible later this year.”

“Let us continue to uphold one another in prayer, and seek ways in which our Local Orthodox Churches might bring hope, blessing, and joy to one another. For the Apostle Paul says: "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2)," the Patriarch added.

Patriarch Theophilos also exhorted to join together in prayer "for our brother, His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, and our fellow Orthodox Primates," and added that he was looking forward to "to serving together to further the unity of our communion."

As the UOJ previously reported, the Ambassador to Israel again tried to discuss "the development of the OCU” with Patriarch Theophilos.

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