Theologian says if Pan-Orthodox Council can be convened without Phanar head

Patriarch Bartholomew refuses to convene the Pan-Orthodox Council. Photo: the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s website

Greek theologian and presbyter Anastasios Gotsopoulos told the UOJ whether it is possible to convene the Pan-Orthodox Council on the Ukrainian issue without the consent of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

He stressed that in the Orthodox Church, the healing of schisms and divisions has always occurred through conciliar efforts.

"We, Orthodox, are proud of our catholicity. We do not accept the system of papism where one person rules over all, without considering any council of bishops. And the serious problem that exists now must be solved conciliarly, synodally," the theologian said.

He believes that the authority to convene the Pan-Orthodox Council belongs to the Patriarch of Constantinople. But if he refuses to do so, there may be other options.

Fr Anastasios noted that before the Great Schism, the first in honour was the Pope of Rome. It was he who should convene the Fifth Ecumenical Council. But when Pope Virgil refused to do so, the Council was held without him. Pope Vigilius was imposed an epitemia – he was excommunicated. And only after six months, when he repented and wrote a penitential letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople, communion was restored.
The same thing happened with other patriarchs, for example, with Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople at the Third Ecumenical Council, Patriarch Macedonius of Constantinople at the Second Ecumenical Council, Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria at the Fourth Ecumenical Council. They were invited, but they did not appear and were condemned for that.

“So, Councils cannot fail to be convened only because the first in honour refuses to participate in them,” the Greek theologian resumed.

According to him, “the catholicity of the Church, which pertains to the very essence of its existence, cannot be abolished by someone's ill will".

"The Church lives by its laws, and if problems arise within it, the Church resolves these problems. Because if left unaddressed, they will only worsen. this is what we have observed over the past four years. Schisms and divisions are increasingly worsening. We have serious problems in Africa that have arisen out of nowhere. And new problems will keep arising. I believe that most Orthodox believers want the Pan-Orthodox Council to be convened to address all the current problems of the Church," said the Greek priest.

As reported, the Greek theologian explained whether UOC clerics should commemorate the ROC Patriarch.

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