Lightning strikes Apostle Peter statute in Pope Francis' former diocese

The statue of St. Peter: before the lightning strike (left) and after it (right). Photo:

On Sunday 17 December 2023, a lightning struck the statue of St. Peter on the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary, which is located in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, the former diocese of the current Pope Francis, reports

The lightning broke the halo on the head of the Apostle Peter and tore off his right hand holding the key, which Catholics see as a symbol of papal authority.

For several days, information about the incident, which hit the Web from an Italian blogger, was considered dubious. But later the incident was confirmed by the Catholic priest Justo Lofeudo, who published a photo of the statue.

The resource notes that the incident occurred on Pope Francis' birthday and the day before the publication of the Fiducia Supplicans declaration which opens up blessings for gay couples.

Catholic author Taylor Marshall posted the story on his YouTube Channel, commenting that the lightning not only happened during Francis’ birthday and one day before the publication of the controversial document Fiducia Supplicans, “but is also in his home diocese: Bergoglio was Archbishop and Cardinal of Buenos Aires.”

Other Catholic resources have also noted the fact that lightning struck the statue even though it is only a few metres above the ground and there are lightning rods high above it, on the roof of the church.

The statue of St Peter is not at the main entrance, but on the left side of the temple, flanking a side entrance, with St. Paul on the other side of the same door. The statute of St. Paul, whose sword is also iron, was not affected.

As reported, a Catholic priest was excommunicated from the RCC for his words about the "usurping Pope".

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