In 2023, Kherson Eparchy UOC distributes over 350 tons of humanitarian aid

Distribution of humanitarian aid to residents of Fedorivka village, Kherson region. Photo:

Throughout the year 2023, the Department of Charitable and Social Service of the Kherson Eparchy of the UOC provided 351 tons of food, drinking water, baby food, medicines, personal hygiene products, and other humanitarian aid to those in need, as well as financial assistance totaling 1.6 million UAH. This was reported by the diocesan press service.

It is noted that humanitarian shipments arrived in Kherson from all corners of Ukraine throughout the year. The clergy of the diocese and volunteers distributed aid to residents of the city on the territory of the Holy Spirit Cathedral and other temples, as well as delivered it to various settlements in the Kherson region.

Metropolitan Ioan of Kherson and Tavria, on behalf of the region's residents, expressed sincere gratitude for the support provided to the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, ruling bishops of the 17 UOC dioceses, Archbishop Abel of Lublin and Chełm (Polish Orthodox Church), abbesses of monasteries, as well as all clergy, monks, and laity of the UOC who supported their brothers and sisters in Kherson.

As reported by the UOJ, on December 29, 2023, the Chernivtsi Diocese of the UOC handed over 8 tons of humanitarian aid to the Kherson region.

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