Lavra caves and temples can be visited online

The page of the online tour of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: a screenshot of the page

Specialists from the "Kyiv Digital" resource created a website where users can virtually visit the temples and caves of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in real-time. The corresponding section, "Tourist Attractions of the Lavra" has been added to the "Kyiv Digital" website.

It was mentioned that in this way, residents and guests of the capital "can learn about Kyiv and spend their time with interest".

The online tour is available in Ukrainian and English with audio commentary from a guide.

The "VR tour" includes the Dormition Cathedral, the Refectory Church, the Cathedral Square, the Great Lavra Bell Tower, and Far and Near Caves.

In contrast to the Upper Lavra temples, where developers provided descriptions of some icons and monuments, the names of saints resting in the Caves were not given.

According to Olena Cherneha, the head of the NGO "Digitization of Tourism and Culture," the project was developed because "some exhibits had to be hidden in wartime conditions," so today they are available as virtual copies.

As reported, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve established the tradition of ringing the large bell of the Lavra bell tower every day "until the last Ukrainian prisoner returns home”.

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