Chernivtsi Eparchy delivers 25 t of humanitarian aid to Sviatohirsk Lavra

Vehicles with humanitarian aid in the Holy Mountains. Photo:

On 2 January 2024, volunteers of the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church delivered to Sviatohirsk Lavra 25 tonnes of humanitarian cargo for the brethren and refugees who took refuge in the monastery, reports the Lavra’s site.

The Sviatohirsk Lavra received food, hygiene products, household chemicals, building materials, tools, shoes, food for the pets of the Lavra poultry house, as well as sweets, fruit and gifts for refugee children living in the monastery.

The collection of aid was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Meletii of Chernivtsi and Bukovyna. According to the organiser of the collection, parishioner of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Chernivtsi Oksana (baptised Maria) Tsiuga, one farmer donated about two tonnes of apples, and residents of the village of Korovya (a suburb of Chernivtsi) made 100 jars of canned food. The charity organisation "Help On 12 Wheels E. V." (Germany) gave the Sviatohirsk Lavra sandwich panels, food, hygiene products and shoes for the brethren, and the Orthodox Magdalina living in Belgium – a pump, batteries, etc.

The aid for the monastery is collected at a warehouse, which has been provided free of charge for this purpose by a faithful resident of Chernivtsi for three years. About 10 volunteers help to pack and deliver the collected items. The Bukovyna Orthodox Religious Foundation undertook the delivery of the aid. Its head Archpriest Vitaliy Durov, the rector of the Archangel Michael community of the UOC in the village of Zadubrivka, along with two other clerics from the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy and volunteers, accompanied the cargo to its destination.

After visiting the Holy Mountains, the residents of Bukovina went to the town of Liman to deliver aid to the nuns of the Intercession Convent.

As reported, in October-November 2023, the Sviatohirsk Lavra donated over 30 tonnes of products to hospitals, social centres, other monasteries, charitable organizations, and residents in need in three settlements in the Donetsk region.


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